1960 born in Aachen/Germany
since 1994 as a freelance sculptor, painter and draftsman
lives in Aachen
(1999 to 2003 in New York City)
2012 Artist in Residence, Herzliya/Israel
2011 Artist in Residence Worpswede
2006 ten month Residency at the Castle Schwerin/Germany
(Mecklenburg -Vorpommern)
2003 Artist in Residence, Edward F. Albee Foundation
Montauk, Long Island/US
2002 Art-Lecture at Pratt Institute
Brooklyn, NY/US
1998 Artist in Residence, Reinersreuther Granite Works
„Freie Kubaturen“, Architectural Competition of Vienna
with Mehmet Senol (Architect), auction Sales
“Proje Marmara”, Head of Sculpture Project
Isle of Marmara/Turkey
1996 Artist in Residence, Reinersreuther Granite Works
Reinersreuth, Bavaria/Germany
1989 – 94 Study of Sculpture, Masterclass David Evison and
Yoshimi Hashimoto, University of the Arts
1994 Artist in Residence, The Carving Studio
West-Rutland, Vermont/US
1990 Erasmus-Grant, Central St.Martins School London
1985 – 88 Study of Sculpture, State Art Academy Maastricht
1979 – 82 Stonemason- and Sculpture training
Öffentliche Sammlungen
Senat für Soziales, Berlin
Bundesinnenministerium, Berlin
Gesellschaft für Wiederaufbau, Frankfurt am Main
Museum für konkrete Kunst, Hünfeld/Hessen
Private Sammler in Europa und USA
Öffentliche Sammlungen
Senat für Soziales, Berlin
Bundesinnenministerium, Berlin
Gesellschaft für Wiederaufbau, Frankfurt am Main
Museum für konkrete Kunst, Hünfeld/Hessen
Private Sammler in Europa und USA